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trusted builder

Why trust is the key to what we build as a trusted builder


It’s essential to hire a trusted builder   Just for a moment imagine that you are having an extension put on your much loved family home. If you have never had this type of building work done before, you won’t quite know what to expect. So, to some extent you are hoping for the best.

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getting a quote from a builder

Getting a quote from a builder and what you need to know


So, you’ve met with a few builders, you have discussed what you want to achieve in your building work, and you have listed all the items that you want included in your quote. You are now anxiously waiting for all the quotes to arrive, so you can decide which builder to hire. This article tackles

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How to choose the right builder for your custom home


If you’ve heard any building horror stories from friends, family or the media, and are worried about how to choose the right builder, please read on. The list of things that can go wrong is endless, so naturally you may be extremely wary about who to trust for your building work. If this decision is

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Tips for acreage home designs


Location is everything, or is it?   Finding that special block of acreage land for your dream home is all about the location, and so it should be! Acreage land is in high demand: plus it’s a major investment. We also know the ‘perfect block’ is not always easy to find. A lot of time

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